Image Composition: close-up view, composition, detail view, dynamic, front view, stack,
Image Environment: atmospheric, back light, black, highlighted,
Surface/Material: glossy, polished, stainless steel,
Edges: deburred, glossy, polished,
Material Thickness: 5.0 - 6.9 mm,
Product Height: 49.0 - 60.0 mm, h < 80.0 mm,
Keywords: 3.6 to 5.0 mm; 36 to 48 mm; 8 bit; jpg; rgb; shs-section; atmospheric; black; close-up view; complete view; dynamic; edges deburred; front glossy; front polished; front view; glossy; h < 80.0 mm; highlighted; hollow section; long product; one product typ; reflective; square; stack few; stainless steel, ttg89m7s_byv