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Tees Cut From Universal Columns

Dimensions: BS 4 Part 1: 2005

DISCLAIMER: Tables, figures, drawings and all information on this page have been carefully researched but not been checked by an independant person/institution and are provided without any liability. All obligation is excluded due to faulty, incomplete or outdated information. Please consult your technical staff and/or your appropriate standardisation institute.

Designation Nominal
Dimensions Position
of y-y
Area of
  G h b s t R d A
  kg/m mm mm mm mm mm cm cm2
152 x 76 x 12 11,5 76,1 152,2 5,8 6,8 7,6 1,4 14,6
152 x 76 x 15 15,0 78,7 152,9 6,5 9,4 7,6 1,4 19,1
152 x 76 x 19 18,5 80,8 154,4 8,0 11,5 7,6 1,5 23,5
203 x 102 x 23 23,0 101,5 203,6 7,2 11,0 10,2 1,7 29,4
203 x 102 x 26 26,0 103,0 204,3 7,9 12,5 10,2 1,8 33,1
203 x 102 x 30 30,0 104,7 205,8 9,4 14,2 10,2 1,9 38,2
203 x 102 x 36 35,5 107,8 206,4 10,0 17,3 10,2 2,0 45,2
203 x 102 x 43 43,0 111,0 209,1 12,7 20,5 10,2 2,2 54,8
254 x 127 x 37 36,5 127,0 254,6 8,6 14,2 12,7 2,1 46,5
254 x 127 x 45 44,5 130,1 256,3 10,3 17,3 12,7 2,2 56,7
254 x 127 x 54 53,5 133,3 258,8 12,8 20,5 12,7 2,5 68,2
254 x 127 x 66 66,0 138,1 261,3 15,3 25,3 12,7 2,7 84,1
305 x 152 x 49 48,4 153,9 305,3 9,9 15,4 15,2 2,5 61,7
305 x 152 x 59 58,9 157,2 307,4 12,0 18,7 15,2 2,7 75,1
305 x 152 x 69 68,5 160,2 309,2 13,8 21,7 15,2 2,9 87,2
305 x 152 x 79 79,0 163,5 311,2 15,8 25,0 15,2 3,0 101,0
368 x 178 x 101 100,9 187,2 374,7 16,5 27,0 15,2 3,3 129,0
368 x 178 x 65 64,5 177,7 368,6 10,4 17,5 15,2 2,7 82,2
368 x 178 x 77 76,5 180,9 370,5 12,3 20,7 15,2 2,9 97,4
368 x 178 x 89 88,5 184,0 372,6 14,4 23,8 15,2 3,1 113,0
406 x 178 x 118 117,5 190,4 394,8 18,4 30,2 15,2 3,4 150,0


UK Tees Cut From Universal Columns .dwg/.dxf files

Before downloading please read our disclaimer at the top of the page. Downloads and use of any files provided here without any liability and at your own risk. Files provided here should not be used without competent professional examination by a licensed engineer.
CAD files were created with nanoCAD 5.

T 152x76x12

T 152x76x15

T 152x76x19

T 203x102x23

T 203x102x26

T 203x102x30

T 203x102x36

T 203x102x43

T 254x127x37

T 254x127x45

T 254x127x54

T 254x127x66

T 305x152x49

T 305x152x59

T 305x152x69

T 305x152x79

T 368x178x65

T 368x178x77

T 368x178x89

T 368x178x101

T 406x178x118

All files were created carefully but it is not possible to exclude all errors.
We would be grateful to you, if you inform us about mistakes you might have found. Thank you.

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