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by andreas mielke

09/2018 - Holiday We spent some time to get ourselves right back into the driver seat for further developments. Unfortunately, there was a little delay for pushing ahead series of images to make them available as packages. Now it is time to do. 

The first package will be about coatings. It is not easy to have different kinds of coating layers illustrated. The relationship between coating and steel strap is immense. The thin coat layers are just a fraction of the underlying steel structure. One µm is 1/1.000 of a mm. Let's say a steel sheet with 1.00 mm thickness is illustrated with 1.0 mm in height, then a top coat layer with approximately 35 µm is just 0.035 mm in height. This does not work if the coating layers should be recognized as a protective and important feature of the steel sheet.

We'll see, now we are going to make a first package and then we'll find another way showing coating layers on steel sheets.

Due to the fact of holiday and the working delay there will be no free picture in September.

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