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SHS Square Hollow Sections (cold-finished)

The manufacturing of cold formed structural hollow sections is regulated by
European Standard EN 10219:2006
The Standard applies to cold formed structural hollow sections without subsequent heat treatment.

The tolerances for the external radius (R) of the corner depends on the thickness (t):
t ≤ 6 mm → R = (1,6 x t) to (2,4 x t)
6 < t ≤ 10 mm → R = (2,0 x t) to (3,0 x t)
10 mm < t → R = (2,4 x t) to (3,6 x t)

rhs rectangular hollow section cold-finishing

DISCLAIMER: Tables, figures, drawings and all information on this page have been carefully researched but not been checked by an independant person/institution and are provided without any liability. All obligation is excluded due to faulty, incomplete or outdated information. Please consult your technical staff and/or your appropriate standardisation institute.

NOTE: Table in preparation